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How to Handle Lockout Situations

You might not think about the problems that you could have with your locks until you have a problem with your locks. The good things is that by reading this you can learn what to do when you experience a lockout situation. You could experience a lockout situation at the most unexpected times. This is part of what makes this type of situation so frustrating. However, we want to let you know what you can do to when you experience a lockout situation or avoid a lockout situation.

Prolong the Life of Your Locks

In some cases, the pins of your lock will jam. This is when you will have a problem with your key working. You can spray a silicone spray into the lock and this often helps resolve the problem. If you still have a problem with your key working, feel free to give ur local locksmith a call to inspect the issue. We often use a silicone-based lubricant to when we notice a grinding lock. This is a good idea to allow us to do at least twice a year.

Next, it is a good idea to replace keys occasionally. Keys are used frequently because of just how often we use them throughout the day. We often don’t even pay attention to where our keys end up. Your keys may start to become worn without your recognizing it. Be responsible and discard older keys by donating them for recycling.

When you have a key that is stuck in the door the last thing you want to do is break the key off in the lock. This is easy to do if you jerk your key out or in a hurry and just yank the key because you’re frustrated. Just slow down and think about the problem that you’ll have if you react too quickly. It is not a good thing when you see your key break off. If this happens before you’re able to close the door, you won’t be able to lock the door behind you. This means you’ll leave yourself to an intrusion. Having a broken key can also cause damage to the lock.

Our locksmith will likely use a flathead screwdriver that will fit the keyhole to pry out the broken key. This has to be done just right and that is why you probably shouldn’t attempt to handle this on your own. If you can’t wait for us to arrive to handle the problem, use a needle-nose plier to slower remove the part of the key that you can reach. In some instances, it is simply impossible for you to remove the key and you’ll need the help of a professional locksmith in Ellenwood. You may have damaged your lock without even realizing it. We’ll be able to determine this for you but we won’t be able to do this is we never hear from you about the problem. Contact a locksmith and make sure you don’t make the problem worse.

Spare Keys

When you experience a lockout the best way to get back inside is to provide a trusted friend or family member with a spare key. This could be risky if you give your key to someone who is irresponsible or someone who travels frequently. These would not be the best people to provide a spare key. Even when you have a spare key, you could also leave it somewhere so that it can be easily retrieved when you need it. It is so easy to lock yourself out of your home or car and this is why we highly encourage everyone to have, not just one spare, but several spare keys made.

Don’t Break Windows

If you are locked out of your home or car, do not break windows. The problem with breaking a window is that it will gain you access back inside but then you are left with another problem, an open window. This will require you to contact a glass company to replace the broken window. You can avoid this by simply contacting a local locksmith to get you back inside. Besides, if you are locked out of your home and someone see’s you break your window to get inside, they may try to do the same thing when no one is looking. Don’t take this chance when you simply do not have to.

Alternative to Having a Key

One of the things that is becoming more and more popular these days are keyless locks. The only thing you will need is a code to input into the keypad that is installed. You don’t ever have to worry about being locked out again, unless you forget your code or someone changed the code without letting you know. There are several types of keyless locks that you can choose from so make sure that you consult with your trusted locksmith prior to choosing the type you’ll have installed.

Lock Maintenance

If you’re finding yourself locked out more times than you care to admit due to faulty locks, perhaps you should have your locks evaluated annually. Some locks become old and worn to the point that they will no longer work. In other cases, you may have locks that have been compromised and need to be replaced. In short; lock maintenance is important if you do not want to be locked out again.